导语:#高考倒计时# 2019年高考已经开启倒计时,你准备好了么?

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🔍 against the clock 抢在某一时刻之前,跟时间赛跑,可进一步引申为“争分夺秒”。

🌰 The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise

开始涨潮了,紧急救援机构正在争分夺秒地工作。高考倒计时超话 ​​​​
救命,今天的能量已耗尽…只有四十多天就高考了,目标离现实差距好大,我真的可以吗??好想大哭一场,好想摆烂!!!!!!情感超话高考超话高考倒计时超话 ​​​​
When you spend time imagining the worst & doubting your next steps, you gain nothing but pressure and anxiety. It leads you to those dark places that you fear. Believe in yourself instead. Have faith. You're stronger than your challenges. You will manage to steer through every st ​​​​...展开全文c
高考倒计时超话 时间越来越近了!![泪][泪]都要好好加油啊!真的只有追星能让我缓解缓解压力了[苦涩][苦涩] ​​​​
XJ高考大捷!如愿以偿踏入大学的校门! ​​​​
#今日谷雨# 🍃 🌿雨生百谷,夏将至,愿种下希望,收获健康、平安、幸福,所行之路皆坦途,一切美好如期而至[加油][加油][加油]#高考倒计时49天##高考加油#2福鼎 ​​​​


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