CPSC-16CFR 1227婴儿手推车法规

2014年4月9日 09:29 阅读 52

美国消费品安全委员会(简称CPSC)最近一致投票通过并在其官方公报(FR)上发布了新的联邦政府强制法规:16CFR 1227婴儿手推车安全法规,生效期是2015年9月10日,出厂日期在此日期后的婴儿手推车都应符合本法规的要求。

该规则基于现行的ASTM F 833-13b婴儿卧式和坐式推车标准(由美国材料与试验协会ASTM发布),修订了多角度/可调扶手有关的头夹风险,并修改了在测试中把产品调到“最有可能导致失败的位置上”,从而检测出最不安全的打开方式,要求制造商在使用说明或使用状态处进行标识。另外,在此份新联邦安全标准中的关键安全问题包括如下:

◎ 停车制动器的要求

◎ 剪、切、挤压点的危险

◎ 轮和旋转组件脱离

◎ 稳定性问题

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) has recently voted to approve the new federal mandatory standard 16 CFR1227 Safety Standard for Carriages and Stroller, which will be is effective onSeptember 10, 2015. Strollers andcarriages manufactured on and after this date shall meet requirements of thisrule.

Therule is based on the existing ASTM standard, F833 – 13b Standard ConsumerSafety Performance Specification for Carriages and Strollers, published by ASTMInternational, and includes modification to the Passive Containment/FootOpening requirement to address head entrapment hazards associated withmulti-positional/adjustable grab bars. The revision to this test requires anyadjustable features in the product to be set to the position “most likely tocause failure,” in order to address the most unsafe openings createdirrespective of the manufacturer’s instructions or manufacturer’s use position.Additional key safety issues addressed by the new federal safety standardinclude:

• Parking brake requirements

• Pinching, scissoring and shearing hazards

• Wheel and swivel assembly detachments

• Stability issues

美国消费品安全委员会(简称CPSC)最近一致投票通过并在其官方公报(FR)上发布了新的联邦政府强制法规:16CFR 1227婴儿手推车安全法规,生效期是2015年9月10日,出厂日期在此日期后的婴儿手推车都应符合本法规的要求。详见长微博。 °CPSC-16CFR 1227婴儿手推车法规 ​​​​