• 语种:日语
  • 发行时间:2021-01-20
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice/88rising
  • 类型:Single




ATARASHII GAKKO! 是一个独具一格的4人日本先锋流行团体,她们身着校服,将朋克的能量与流行、摇滚、爵士、嘻哈等元素融合于音乐中,并兼之经典的演出形式与前卫的舞蹈风格,自导自演,形成了独特的演出风格。 她们首支全球发行的单曲《NAINAINAI》结合了funk元素的节拍与极具中毒性的日语说唱,对于来自世界各地的听众来说,即使听不懂日语也可以充分体会到这首歌的魅力。再加之ATARASHII GAKKO!的演唱,让这支单曲成为了一首独一无二的有趣作品,不容错过。 MV中的情节编排将强烈的嘻哈节奏与凌乱的校园剧情相互穿插贯穿始终,间杂着突如其来的惊悚和暗黑元素带来反差感,在出乎意料之间抓住你的注意力。而副歌部分"INAI-NAI-BAAA [Peek-a-boo]"的洗脑编舞与成员们的表现力也极具魅力。这也是ATARASHII GAKKO!首次尝试霹雳舞的作品。 ATARASHII GAKKO! is an outlandish, 4-person progressive Japanese pop group--clad in school uniforms--who blend punk energy with elements of pop, rock, jazz, hip-hop, and show classics with avant-garde dance styles, self-choreographed in all of their performances. Their first global release single, "NAINAINAI" combines funky beats with catchy Japanese rap, and it's aimed at a worldwide audience that doesn't need to understand Japanese to enjoy the music. With that added layer of ATARASHII GAKKO!'s vocals on top, we have a one of a kind fun song that you can't miss. The choreography emphasizes a hip-hop groove and messy school drama throughout. The contrasting scene of sudden creepy and dark expressions grabs your attention unexpectedly. And the catchy choreography of "INAI-NAI-BAAA [Peek-a-boo]" and the members' facial expressions are also a must-see. This is also a piece where ATARASHII GAKKO! try their hand at breakdancing for the first time.
