留美老师带你每日说英文 第656期:四肢断了能否长回来?
日期:2017-02-16 10:31



Through scientific surgery, researchers have shown that at the embryonic stage of development, frogs can regenerate their developing limbs. This has even been shown in mice, which like humans, are mammals. It is yet to be proven the same with human embryos, but with this evidence, the theory is that vertebrate embryos, including humans, can regenerate their limbs if they are damaged or amputated.



1.surgery 手术
surgery (n.) 手术
surgical (adj.) 外科的

2.embryonic 胎儿的
embryonic (adj.) 胎儿的
embryo (n.) 胚胎

3.regenerate 再生
regenerate (v.) 再生
generate (v.) 产生、引起

4.evidence 证据
evidence (n.) 证据
evident (adj.) 明显的

5.amputate 截肢
amputate (v.) 截肢
amputation (n.) 截肢
prosthesis (n.) 义肢
