英语俚语天天说 第444期:关于分手那些事儿
日期:2019-06-10 07:25



Trying to move on from a failed romantic relationship can be hard, especially when your most beautiful travel photos feature your ex.


But thanks to a new online service called Edit My Ex, that’s no longer necessary.
但是有了Edit My Ex这项在线服务,你无需再担心这些。

Key words 关键词
feature v. 做重要角色
ex n. 前任


As the name suggests, Edit My Ex allows people who want to erase any evidence of their ex from meaningful digital photos to just have them edited out and keep the photos.
顾名思义, 有些人想从意义非凡的照片上抹去前任的印记,Edit My Ex就可以帮他们编辑掉前任,从而保留照片。

Key words 关键词
evidence n. 证据,迹象
digital adj. 数码的
