
2015年11月20日 15:01 阅读 46013



“In just over a generation, the world has cut child deathrates by half, put over 90 per cent of children in primary school, andincreased by 2.6 billion the number of people with access to safe water,” saidUNICEF Executive Director Anthony联合国儿童基金会执行主任安东尼–雷克表示:“仅仅用一代人的时间,全球儿童死亡率已降低了一半,超过90%的儿童上了小学,能够获得安全用水的人口也增加了26亿。t children make up almosthalf of the world’s poor, nearly 250 million children live in conflict-torncountries, and over 200,000 have risked their lives this year seeking refuge inEurope.”然而儿童几乎占世界贫困人口的近一半,近2.5亿名儿童生活在饱受战乱之苦的国家中,今年还有超过20万名儿童冒着生命危险前往欧洲寻求避难。”


The report, For everychild, a fair chanc该报告题为《让每个儿童享有公平的机会:esents a statistical picture of how the world’s mostmarginalized children have fared against basic human development indicators.公平的承诺》,以人类发展指标数据反映了世界上最被边缘化的儿童群体所遭遇的境况。It points out th报告指出:

·       Children from the poorest households are nearly twice aslikely as those from the richest households to die before age five, and fivetimes more likely to be out of schoo贫困家庭中的儿童在五岁之前死亡的可能性是最富裕家庭中儿童的近两倍,失学的可能性是后者的五倍。

·  最贫困家庭中的女孩在18岁之前结婚的可能性是最富裕家庭中的女孩的四倍。

·       More than 2.4 billion people still do not have adequatetoilets – 40 per cent of them in South Asia; and more than 660 million stilllack access to safe drinking water – nearly half of them in sub-Saharan Afric超过24亿人仍然没有使用上厕所,其中40%生活在南亚;超过6.6亿人仍缺少安全饮用水,其中近半数生活在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区。

·        Roughly half of the 159 million children suffering fromstunting live in South Asia and one-third in Afric1.59亿名儿童发育迟缓,其中近半数生活在南亚,还有三分之一在非洲。


“Suchvast inequities fuel a vicious intergenerational cycle of poverty anddisadvantage,” Lake sai雷克表示:“这反映了不公平的现象大量存在,并加剧了贫困与弱势的恶性代际循环,ut it doesn’t have to be thisw但这种情况并非必然。We know how to slow, stop, andreverse it into a virtuous cycle of intergenerational progre我们知道该如何延缓和遏制这种恶性循环,而且可以将其转化成代际之间的良性循环。能否为此做出更大的努力is up to us to decide to do sothrough more commitment and resources.并投入更多的资源,决定权就在我们的手中。must make this moral, pragmatic, strategic…andfair…choice.”我们必须做出这一合乎道德、切实可行并具有战略性的公平抉择。”


makes the case for closing persistent gaps in equity,arguing that investing in children, particularly the most vulnerable, is rightin principle and right in practice – and that such investment brings multiplebenefits not only to children but also to their families, communities 《让每个儿童享有公平的机会》表明缩小长期存在的差距、促进社会公平的必要性,提出投资于儿童,尤其是最弱势的儿童,无论从理论原则还是实践的角度看都是正确的做法——这种投入不仅能够为儿童,还能为他们的家庭、社区和国家经济带来多重收益。


为响应联合国儿童基金会发起的旨在为儿童促进公平的倡导活动,多位impressive team of UNICEFAmbassadors are raising their voices or activating their social media networksto help spur action for the world’s most vulnerable children as part ofUNICEF’s "Fight Unfair" campaign.联合国儿童基金会大使正在发出他们的呼吁,包括运用他们的社交媒体网络,号召人们共同采取行动,来帮助全球最弱势的儿童。


“It is shocking to think that one innine children lives in a country affected by armed conflict, witnessinghorrific violence and having their rights to survival, health and educationdestroyed,” said British actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom英国演员、联合国儿童基金会亲善大使奥兰多–布鲁姆表示:“每九名儿童中就有一名儿童生活在受武装冲突影响的国家,他们目睹暴力的残酷,其生存权、健康权和受教育权受到践踏,他们的遭遇令人震惊。我曾与联合国儿童基金会一道探访马其顿共和国和塞尔维亚,亲眼看到战争如何迫使儿童和他们的家人一起背井离乡。目前 world is facing the biggestrefugee crisis since World War II.世界正在经历二战以来最严重的难民危机。ery country that can should besupporting the children and the families who have been affected."每一个有能力的国家都应当为这些受到影响的儿童与家庭提供支持和帮助。”
