组 委 会 提 供 强 制 装 备
Mandatory items provided by the organizers (to be carried AT ALL TIMES)
序号 | 物品名称 | 数目 |
1 | 赛事号码布 Racing Bibs | 2 |
2 | 赛事计时卡 Timing Card | 1 |
3 | 定位器 Tracker | 1 |
4 | 赛标和国旗标Ultra Gobi Race patch and national flag patch | 2套 Two sets |
5 | 防狼喷雾 pepper spray | 1 |
选 手 自 备 强 制 装 备
Items prepared by runner(to be carried AT ALL TIMES)
序号 | 物品名称 | 数目 | |
1 | 背包 Backpack (must have enough capacity for the equipment required) | 1 | |
2 | 容量2.5L水系统 Hydration system (minimum capacity of 2.5L) | 1 | |
3 | 睡袋(舒适温度-10~-5摄⽒度/14~23华氏度) Sleeping bag ( temperature range down to -10C/14F) | 1 | |
4 | 头灯(不低于80流明)及备用电池,持续时间不少于70小时,电池可存放在寄存包里,但休息站与休息站之间必须保证能持续使用且随身携带。 Headlamp(minimum brightness 80 lumens)and spare batteries for 70 hours of usage minimum,batteries can be stored in drop off bags but enough to last from rest station to rest station must be carried at all times. | 2 | |
5 | 中国适用的卫星电话及备用电池,电池可存放在寄存包⾥,但休息站与休息站之间必须保证能持续使用且随身携带。 Satellite phone (and battery charge must last for 7 days) usable in mainland China. Batteries can be stored in drop off bags but enough to last from rest station to rest station must be carried at all times. | 1 | |
6 | ⼿持GPS(不是手机上的 APP)及备用电池,持续时间不少于150小时,电池可存放在寄存包里,但休息站与休息站之间必须保证能持续使用且随身携带。 Handheld GPS unit(mobile phone -based GPS not acceptable)with batteries for 150 hours of usage - batteries can be stored in drop off bags butenough to last from rest station to rest station must be carried at all times. | 1 | |
7 | 急救包:酒精棉,救生毯,绷带,止泻药,止痛药(个人药品),唇膏,防晒霜 (SPF50),石膏或胶带(建议肌效贴)。 Medical Kit: disinfectant wipes, emergency blanket, bandages, antidiarrheal medicine, painkillers ( personal medicines if required), lip balm, sunscreen (SPF50), plaster or tape (kinesio tape recommended). | 7天使用量 sufficient for 7 days | |
8 | 供赛事全程使用的食品(包装标示热量值合计不低于25000 千卡)。 Food with the minimum calorific value of 25000 Kcal. 队员出休息站⾄至少携带包装热量值不低于2000 千卡的食品。2000Kcal must be carried in the back pack after leaving each rest station. | 7天使用量 sufficient for 7 days | |
9 | 防风外套,如 windstopper 面料等 Windstopper jacket or shell | 1 | |
10 | 羽绒服(蓬松度 800 以上) Down jacket (800 minimum filling) | 1 | |
11 | 帽子或遮阳帽,保暖帽 Cap or visor,Warm hat | 各一个 One for each | |
12 | 救生口哨 Emergency whistle | 1 | |
13 | 应急闪灯(及备用电池) Flashing light (with enough batteries) | 1 | |
14 | 户外多功能刀具(瑞士军刀或相似工具) Swiss army knife or similar tool | 1 | |
15 | 太阳镜 Sunglasses | 1 | |
16 | 手套 Gloves | 1双 1pair |
建 议 携 带 装 备
Recommended items (can be stored in drop bags)
序号 | 物品名称 | 数目 |
1 | 手杖/登山杖 hiking poles | 1双 1 pair |
2 | 垫子Mat or thermarest | 1 |
3 | 耳塞(强烈建议:在休息站睡个好觉)Earplugs (highly recommended for better sleep at rest stations) | 7 天使用量 Enough for 7 days |
4 | 反光镜 Emergency mirror | 1 |
5 | 指南针(随身携带)Compass (can be carried rather than stored) | 1 |
6 | 越野跑鞋(强烈建议厚底型)和多余的跑鞋 Trail running shoes (well-padded models strongly recommended) and Spare pair(s) of running shoes | 1-2 双 1-2 pairs |
7 | 凡士林或防磨膏 Vaseline or antichafe | 1 |
8 | 魔术头巾 Buff | 1 |
9 | 防水袋或塑料包 Waterproof bag /plastic bag(s) | 1 |
10 | 电解质 Electrolytes | 7天使用量 Enough for 7 days |
11 | 能量胶 Gels | 7天使用量 Enough for 7 days |
12 | 保暖袜、跑步袜和多余的袜子 Warm socks,Running socks and Spare running socks | 多双 many pairs |
13 | 腿套或鞋罩 Gaiters | 1 |
14 | 袖套Arm-warmer sleeves | 1 |
15 | 短袖上衣或T恤 Short sleeve top or t-shirt | 1 |
16 | 长袖跑步上衣和紧身衣 Long sleeve running top and Running tights | 1 |
17 | 长裤 Trousers | 1 |