

2018年3月24日 14:00 ~ 2018年3月24日 16:00




    活动简介 | Event Brief

    创业者和企业家的创新精神与创新能力是激发市场活力和促进企业可持续发展的重要驱动力。深入理解创新与创新精神的内涵,可以帮助创业者和企业家更好地挖掘创新潜力和职业竞争力。同时,在创办和管理企业的过程中会面临各种各样的困境、风险与不可控因素,如何建立科学有效的思维模式,以应对激烈竞争环境下的挑战与变数,是 “双创” 时代的一个重要话题。

    Entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ability are important factors for a vibrant market and business sustainability. To learn about and nurture entrepreneurial spirit can help entrepreneurs achieve their full creative and innovative potential in business. Moreover,  it is critically valuable for entrepreneurs to cultivate and expand an entrepreneurial mindset to recognize opportunities and embrace challenges, to effectively and efficiently manage a business facing the increasingly fierce competition, risks and uncertainty in an ever-changing market in the twenty-first century. 

    哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京将于3月24日举办哥大创新创业大家谈系列论坛第五期——《理解创新精神·培养创业思维》。本次论坛将邀请四位哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚学院(Columbia College)的校友,包括尚易国际教育合伙创始人兼总经理Gavin Newton-Tanzer(CC '11)、萝卜太辣创始合伙人David Tan(CC '98)、Mantra墨镜联合创始人兼CEO魏文杰(CC '10)及超级简历创始人兼CEO朱英楠(CC '12)通过分享各自在哥大的教育经历和创业感悟共同探讨对创新精神的理解、如何培养创业思维、提升创业能力和优化创业路径等方面的话题。论坛主持人由哥伦比亚学院校友Alex Chen(CC '16)担任。

    On March 24, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing will hold the fifth Columbia Entrepreneurship Panel, inviting four Columbia College graduates who are also entrepreneurs to discuss how their college education in Columbia has cultivated their habits of mind and affected their career paths, as well as their understanding of spirit of innovation and how to develop entrepreneurial thinking. The panelists include: Gavin Newton-Tanzer (CC '11), co-founder and president of Sunrise International; David Tan (CC '98), co-founder of Roboterra; Sam Waldo (CC '10), co-founder and CEO of Mantra; David Zhu(CC '12), founder & CEO of WonderCV. Alex Chen(CC '16) will be the moderator of this panel. 

    • 哥伦比亚大学创新创业大家谈系列活动

    哥伦比亚大学创新创业大家谈系列活动由哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京发起,目前已在北京、上海和深圳等城市成功举办。历次活动共有超过22位校友作为研讨嘉宾出席,从创业到风投,从科技到社工,领域和角色繁多。这一系列活动特别邀请创投领域的哥大校友分享创业经验,以及对科技创新、金融与经济领域的独到见解。该系列活动旨在建立一个由哥大校友与在校生组成的活跃社群,为更多校友和在校生提供沟通交流的机会,以期分享资源,助力职业发展与创业目标。


    The Columbia Entrepreneurship Panel Series is launched by Columbia Global Centers | Beijing and has been successfully hosted in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen featuring 22 alumni entrepreneurs, investors, and venture capitalists. This thematic program invites Columbia alumni who have become successful entrepreneurs to contribute their knowledge and insights on innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, commerce, and economics. It aims to build a dynamic circle facilitating interaction and opportunities among Columbia alumni and students for resource sharing and to help them achieve their career goals.

    The Panel Series is currently looking for Columbia alumni who would like to contribute to their insights and experiences. If you have recommendation regarding the panelist candidates, please contact us.

    讨论嘉宾 | Panelists

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    Gavin Newton-Tanzer (CC '11)尚易国际教育联合创始人兼主席。尚易国际为成千上万的青年学子及专业人士提供最优质的体验式教育和媒体服务,并为上百家机构和组织提供全面的数字化、活动和市场营销等跨境服务以更好地适应中国本土化市场环境。关于更多尚易国际的介绍,请查询官网:www.sunriseinspires.com。

    本科时期,Gavin创办了非盈利组织全球中国联接(Global China Connection),将中美数百名校的学生联系起来,凝聚中美新一代的青年领袖力量,并管理国际青年项目为包括2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会等在内的大型国际活动输送人才。Gavin获得哥伦比亚大学政治学学士学位,并担任清华-卡内基全球政策中心访问学者。同时,Gavin也是一个出色的爵士钢琴家,热爱阅读和学习各国语言。

    Gavin Newton-Tanzer (CC '11) is co-founder and president of Sunrise International. Sunrise offers the very best in experiential education and media to tens of thousands of youth and professionals, as well as provide full cross border digital, event, and marketing support for hundreds of organizations seeking to better engage the Chinese market. For more information, please visit: www.sunriseinspires.com

    During college, Gavin founded the non-profit organization Global China Connection to bring together the next generation of US-China leaders, presenting in hundreds of schools across China and the US, and managing international youth programs including for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 Shanghai Expo. Gavin received his B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University, and has been a visiting fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy. An accomplished jazz pianist, Gavin is an avid reader and passionate about foreign languages.

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    David Tan (CC '98)毕业于哥伦比亚大学,萝卜太辣创始合伙人。萝卜太辣是领先的教育机器人科技公司,它独特的软硬件设备及内容解决方案被中国上千家K-12学校和越来越多的课外培训机构采用。在加入萝卜太辣之前,David有将近十年的互联网和创业公司就职经验,曾在阿里巴巴、敦煌网、帮我买和微信路况担任过高级管理层职务。

    David Tan (CC '98) is currently co-founder of Roboterra(萝卜太辣), a leading education robotics startups in China’s fast growing STEM education market. Roboterra’s unique hardware, software and content solution is currently in use by over a thousand K-12 schools China wide and a growing number of after-school organizers (培训机构). Prior to Roboterra, David worked nearly 10 years in the China internet space, including holding executive roles at Alibaba and for various startups including 敦煌网, 帮我买 and 微信路况.

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    Sam Waldo 魏文杰 (CC '10)来自美国德克萨斯州,休斯顿,毕业于纽约哥伦比亚大学。2010年来到中国,在云南偏远贫困山村做一名支教老师,并和那里的孩子们度过了两年时间。在此之后,他帮助建立了非营利组织点亮眼睛,帮助中国农村学生获得免费的视力健康支持和其他帮助,为他们争取更好的受教育机会。到目前为止,他们为云南地区的孩子共计捐助了超过20,000副近视眼镜。

    现在,Sam作为Mantra墨镜品牌的联合创始人兼CEO,以北京为大本营,每卖出一副墨镜,即为有需要的学生捐助包括近视眼镜在内的视力健康相关支持。Mantra希望通过努力改变人们的日常消费方式,实现“Look Good, Do Good”的使命。

    Sam Waldo (CC '10), or 魏文杰, is from Houston, Texas. He graduated from Columbia University in New York and has lived in China since 2010. Sam spent two years a volunteer teacher in a small village in rural Yunnan province. Since then, he has helped establish and grow the nonprofit Education in Sight to provide free vision care to students in the Chinese countryside. To date they have donated over 20,000 pairs of glasses to children in Yunnan. Most recently, Sam is the co-founder of Mantra, an e-commerce sunglasses brand based in Beijing that gives prescription glasses to one needy student for every pair sold. Mantra wants to change the way people shop in China, and its mission is “Look Good, Do Good”.

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    朱英楠 David Zhu(CC '12)超级简历WonderCV的创始人&CEO。超级简历是一个云端就业辅导中心,旨在为年轻人寻找匹配自己的职业规划,已经为超过1000名优质候选人提供1对1职业规划服务,创下入职成功率97%的优秀成绩。



    David Zhu (CC '12) is the Founder & CEO of WonderCV, an online career center that aims to bridge the gap between college education and career development. Since its launch 5 months ago, WonderCV has attracted over 100,000 users across 41 countries and provided 1-on-1 career services to over 1,000 candidates with a 97% placement rate.

    David started his career as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, and later joined Affinity Equity Partners (formerly UBS Capital Asia), a $3.9 billion PE fund. David is also a founding partner at Younker Capital, where he led the investment in Kuanter.com.

    David is a founding trustee of Global China Connection, a non-profit organization connecting 60+ universities worldwide to opportunities in China. In 2006, David co-founded of Heart2Heart Canadian Youth Society, a student-run charity that has raised over $1.1 million Canadian dollars over the past 12 years to fund education facilities in rural China. David is a TEDx speaker, a mentor to Tsinghua University’s Career Coaching Program, and an op-ed writer for LinkedIn. He plays several musical instruments and enjoys producing hip-hop music at home. David graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Columbia University.

    主持人 | Moderator

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    Alex Chen(CC '16),现任贝恩公司管理咨询顾问。之前曾联合创办线上健身私教服务“口袋减脂营”与留学咨询平台“无言”。Alex本科毕业于哥伦比亚大学应用数学系。

    Alex Chen (CC '16) currently works as a management consultant at Bain & Company. Before that, Alex co-founded virtual fitness trainer service "Pocket Fitness Camp" and college application consultancy "Wuyan." Alex received his B.A. in Applied Mathematics from Columbia University. 

    活动日程 | Agenda

    1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 


    2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


    Panel Discussion

    3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.



    报名须知 | Special Notice

    • 本场活动语言为中

    • 报名需审核,收到确认二维码即表明报名成功(请在签到时出示二维码);

    • 请于活动要求的签到时间到场,早于签到时间、或迟于签到时间20分钟,将无法协助您签到入场

    • 若无法如期参加活动,烦请您提前告知,我们将开放名额予其他观众;

    • 如有任何疑问,请在我们的微信公众平台留言或邮件至beijing.cgc@columbia.edu

    • The event will be conducted in English

    • Due to limited seats, registration will be verified through the QR code of confirmation. Please present the QR code at the entrance. 

    • Please plan to arrive no earlier and no later than 20 minutes after the registration.

    • If you are unable to attend the event, please inform us in advance. 

    • If you have any questions, please leave us a message below or email to beijing.cgc@columbia.edu.




    • 王菊


    • bj1949


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    • Jackie


    • 青年牧者


    • 报名






    • Alex 6年前 0

      上周六参加的哥伦比亚大学北京中心的活动,质量挺高的,校友的项目也很有特色!特别是Sam Waldo 魏文杰 (CC '10),来自美国德克萨斯州,休斯顿,毕业于纽约哥伦比亚大学。2010年来到中国,在云南偏远贫困山村做一名支教老师,并和那里的孩子们度过了两年时间。在此之后,他帮助建立了非营利组织点亮眼睛,帮助中国农村学生获得免费的视力健康支持和其他帮助,为他们争取更好的受教育机会。到目前为止,他们为云南地区的孩子共计捐助了超过20,000副近视眼镜。



