可持续基础设施投资与绿色金融 – 中瑞合作助推绿色一带一路 Leadership on green finance and sustainable infrastructure
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可持续基础设施投资与绿色金融 – 中瑞合作助推绿色一带一路
正值瑞典环境部长Karolina Skog女士访华之际,清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心将与斯德哥尔摩环境研究所(SEI)及瑞典驻华使馆共同举办一场关于推动绿色金融创新与“一带一路”可持续基础设施建设的对话。
15:30 注册签到
16:00 欢迎致辞
16:10 主旨演讲
Karolina Skog,瑞典环境部长
16:20 主旨演讲
16:30 圆桌讨论与对话
主持人:Karl Hallding,斯德哥尔摩环境研究所(SEI)资深研究员
Karolina Skog,瑞典环境部长
Björn Risinger, 瑞典环保署署长
Erik Brandsma, 瑞典能源署署长
Tord Svedberg, 瑞典环境研究院院长
Peter Ling-Vannerus, SEB中国首席代表
Uwe Wixforth, 亚洲基础设施投资银行高级政策和战略顾问
张建平, 商务部研究院学术委员会副主任、区域经济合作中心主任、西亚非洲所所长
18:00 活动结束
Leadership on green finance and sustainable infrastructure – how can China and Sweden work together on the Belt and Road Initiative?
Date: Tuesday June 27th 2017, 16:00-18:00
Venue: CFLD Hall, Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University
Organizers: Brookings -Tsinghua Center for Public Policy, Stockholm Environment Institute, Embassy of Sweden in China.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative aims to transform connectivity and cooperation on trade and development across Asia and beyond. To succeed, the initiative will require the deployment of modern infrastructure across several regions and sectors.
In recent years narratives have shifted around global progress towards a low-carbon and sustainable future: where once there was concern over the costs of action, now there is increasing recognition of opportunities for growth and productivity.
An essential part of this growth story is the drive to develop sustainable infrastructure, for which the right kind of investment is needed. Both China and Sweden have been forerunners in advancing green finance. China now issues more green bonds than any other country, while a decade ago the Swedish bank SEB, alongside the World Bank, pioneered green bonds.
As Sweden’s Minister for the Environment Ms Karolina Skog makes an official visit to China, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and the Embassy of Sweden in China are organizing a dialogue to promote innovation in green finance and sustainable infrastructure in the Belt and Road Initiative.
We warmly invite and welcome your participation in this event!
This event is closed to media. Working language will be English with simultaneous translation.
15:30 Registration
16:00 Welcome remarks
Qi Ye, Director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center
16:10 Keynote remarks
Karolina Skog, Swedish Minister for the Environment
16:20 Keynote remarks (tbc)
16:30 Moderated Roundtable Dialogue
Karl Hallding, Senior Research Fellow, SEI
Invited Panelists:
Karolina Skog, Swedish Minister for the Environment
Björn Risinger,Director General at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Erik Brandsma,Director General at the Swedish Energy Agency
Tord Svedberg, CEO at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Peter Ling-Vannerus, Chief Representative for SEB in Beijing
Uwe Wixforth, Senior Policy& Strategy Advisor at AIIB
XU Shanda, former Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation
ZHANG Jianping, Head of Center of Regional Economic and Cooperation, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, MOFCOM
Qi Ye, Director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center
18:00 End of event