


The Evolution Of Rap Lyrics: 1988-2015





Ever wondered what words rappers like using the most in their lyrics? Well consider that question answered as we take a look at the evolution of hip-hop lyrics throughout the past 25 years. Thanks to Rap Genius for the graphs.

有没有想过什么饶舌歌手们最喜欢在他们的歌词中用什么词汇吗?在很好地考虑这个问题的答案的同时,让我们看一看在过去25年间饶舌歌词的演变。感谢Rap Genius统计的图表。

In the battle of the three Ms, it's the Maybach that has grown to be every rappers' favourite car of choice to drop into their lyrics.


The battle between the East and West Coast is over.


Throughout the past 25 years, the raps rivalries between the East and West Coasts has dominated hip-hop lyrics, but it is the West Coast that has found itself mentioned more frequently in rap music, particularly in the 1990s thanks to the likes of Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg.

在过去的25年,东西海岸的争斗逐渐通知了HipHop歌词,但West Coast似乎在饶舌音乐中更加频繁地被提及,尤其在90年代Dr. Dre和Snoop Dogg的歌曲中。

iPhone's are officially the hip-hop smartphone of choice.


Tom Ford was basically irrelevant before 2005.

在2005年前,Tom Ford几乎和HipHop是零相关的。

Now Jay-Z's rocking 'Tom Ford', everyone's talking about the British designer, but as the graph shows, there was no evidence of him in hip-hop lyrics before 2005.

随着现在Jay-Z所提及Tom Ford,使得每个人都开始提及这位英国设计师,但如图所示,2005年之前没有证据证明他曾出现在饶舌歌词中。

But while he's on the way up, he's got nothing on Gucci - still the king of the fashion chains!

尽管Tom Ford在冉冉升起,但仍然威胁不到Gucci——它仍然是时尚之王!

So now we know rappers' car of choice, what's their favourite in-car accessory?


Now that we've establish rappers' favourite car, what's their favourite accessory for their ride? Well, while furry dice have remained consisted through the past 25 years, supped up rims are on the wane after being the must-have accessory throughout the 1990s and early part of this century.

现在我们已经知道说唱歌手们最喜欢提及的车,但他们最喜欢的配件是什么?嗯,虽然毛茸茸的骰子(即Fuzzy Dice)仍然是在过去的25年里坚挺地被提及,但在上世纪90年代末和本世纪初成为必备附件后,轮辋(Wheel Rim)正在成为新风尚。

People don't really rap out Britney... or Kim Kardashian anymore!

人们不再热衷于饶舌Britney Spears和Kim Kardashian!

While Britney was the pop star everyone made reference to at the start of the 21st Century, everybody's favourite celebrity of the moment is Kim Kardashian. But as the graph suggests, the future wife of Kanye West's star would appear to be falling.

尽管Britney Spears是流行天后,但从21世纪开始,每个饶舌歌手最喜欢提及的名流是Kim Kardashian。但正如图表明,Kanye West的妻子将会更少地在饶舌歌词中被提及(当然现在不仅仅是出现在歌词中了)。

Look at the rise and fall and rise again of Sega.


While the 1990s were good for Sega, it's star fell sharply at the turn of the century. But as the graph suggests, the games console is making a retro comeback.


90s aside, Michael Jordan is definitely more popular than Mike Tyson.

撇开90年代,Michael Jordan远比Mike Tyson要流行。

As two of the biggest stars in the history of sport, Michael Jordan and Mike Tyson have not gone unnoticed by the hip-hop community, which spat lyrics about them in equal measures in the 1990s when both stars were at their peak. But the graph suggests that Jordan remains the strongest touch point for hip-hop.

作为运动史上两位最大的明星,Michael Jordan和Mike Tyson都没能逃过HipHop的法眼,他们所出现在饶舌音乐歌词中的时间,都是他们的巅峰时期。但该图表表明,Michael Jordan仍然是说唱音乐最强大的接触点。

In fact, Michael Jordan is the king of all sports stars.

事实上,Michael Jordan才是运动之王。

No only does Jordan KO Tyson, he's also the most popular sportsman mentioned in rap lyrics when compared to some of his modern day peers.

Michael Jordan击败的并不仅仅是Mike Tyson,他是饶舌音乐歌词中被提及的最多的运动员,更多的是去比较和他同时代的同龄人。

Rappers officially have far more money than problems.


Finally, we can officially say that rappers have far more money than problems... Notorious B.I.G's 'Mo Money No Problems' was right all along!

最后,我们可以很正式说,说唱歌手有着比问题更多的财富,Notorious B.I.G的”Mo Money No Problems”便是力证。

Biggie and 2pac remain revered by hip-hop.


Unsurprisingly, Biggie and 2pac were at their highest in the mid-90s, but while references to them in rap lyrics has fallen, they still remain hugely popular and on a consistent trend.


Even when compared to modern day super stars.


Rappers are definitely down with the internet.


The Rolex is making a comeback.

The Rolex正在回归。

After taking a dip at the start of 21st century, the Rolex is officially on its way back.

在21世纪初有所衰落之后,The Rolex正式在饶舌歌词中回归。

No one really cares about turntables anymore.


Turntables were like the latest iPod at the end of the 1980s - no record was complete without a nod to the now iconic music player. But the start of 21st century and dawn of music downloads has seen rappers switch their lyrical references to MP3s.


Hip-Hop has a whole lot more "Swag" post-2005 than it did in the previous 20 years.


Who knew rappers liked their kitchen so much?


We've all seen how proud rappers are of their cribs, but who knew that they were so keen on dropping their kitchen into their lyrics. Shout out to Gucci Mane and DJ Khaled who both have tracks that big up their kitchen!

我们都知道说唱歌手们对于他们的地盘儿都很自豪,但谁会知道说唱歌手们如此钟爱将他们的厨房放进饶舌歌词中呢?Gucci Mane和DJ Khaled,他们都愿意在歌曲中赞美他们的厨房。

Gin And Juice were definitely more popular when Snoop Dogg was rapping about them.

在Snoop Dogg唱出之后,”Gin And Juice”无疑变的更加流行。

Thanks to Snoop Dogg, Gin and Juice were big terms in hip-hop in the 1990s, but the graph suggests that the rapper was almost single-handedly keeping them relevant.

因为Snoop Dogg,Gin and Juice在90年代成为了HipHop的热门术语。但是图表表明,说唱歌手几乎以一己之力让两者相关。

Barack Obama is not the most popular President in rap lyrics.

Barack Obama并不是饶舌歌词中最受欢迎的美国总统。

While many rappers have endorsed Obama in public, on record the story is very different. Bill Clinton remains the most popular modern day president in rap lyrics, with 1994 being his strongest year. And while Obama was big when he took over as president, his popularity in lyrics is falling and he still hasn't touched the heights of George W Bush.

虽然许多说唱歌手都公开支持Barack Obama,但历史的故事是非常不同的。Bill Clinton仍然是饶舌歌词中最受欢迎的当代总统。1994年是他最强大的一年。当Barack Obama当选总统之后,他在饶舌歌词中的受欢迎程度逐渐下降,同时他还没有达到George W Bush的高度。

Cristal is no longer rapper's favourite champagne.


In the late 90s and early 21st century, you couldn't find a rap song that didn't have a nod to Cristal, but the champagne is no longer hot in hip-hop lyrics.


While Nike and Adidas went head to head in the 90s, the tick is back on top!


Marshall Mathers cannot compete with Yeezy.

Marshall Mathers还是敌不过Yeezy。

Despite starting the century off strong, references to Eminem's real name Marshall Mathers have remained on one level throughout the decade in comparison to Kanye's Yeezy nickname.

尽管在世纪之初很强,但Eminem的真名Marshall Mathers在过去十年和Kanye West的绰号Yeezy的比较中仍然只停留在某一层面。

编辑于 2016-08-12 09:52