致我的批评者与支持者 To My Critics and Supporters

2015年9月18日 13:30 阅读 2966


To my critics and supporters,



How are you? I’m very happy to report on the latest QS World University Rankings. Tsinghua, PKU, Fudan and SJTU just jumped on their rankings of “Jie Cao. I hope I am contributing a little bit to the Jie Cao increase of these universities.[2]



I am sure you have read all kinds of false accusations against me. I am afraid to say I have become the target and the punching bag on the Internet. Unfortunately, I have not seen anyone even trying to falsify my numbers. My critics want to destroy others to gain fame and fortune. Where are their senses of humanity and justice? My critics want to establish Western Liberal Democracy without even being aware of what they are doing. Are they aware? Are my critics systematically conducting cultural wars against their own culture and civilization? I think Liberal Democracy is superb for the West but may not be good for China without adaptation.




Fortunately, President Xi Jinping, on October 13th, 4711XY (2014) taught the country that more respect and reflection on our 5,000 years of civilization could improve modern state governance:

The ancient China advocates people first for the government to win peoples support; rule of both law and virtue with virtue as the major tool and penalty as the minor one; winning peoples support before ruling, and managing the officials before managing the country; ruling with virtue, while correcting and improving oneself; thinking of the danger while living in peace; and updating and reforming the system, etc., which inspires us a lot.



He called upon us to scientifically analyze these traditional values by “promoting the good parts and discarding the negative elements. [4]



To echo President Xis calling, Xu Jialu, Vice Chairman of the 10th NPC Standing Committee and Chairman of Association for Yan Huang Culture of China, recently on September 7th, 4712 XY called upon people that “the Huangdi-Offering ritual should be upgraded to the national level, so that the Chinese would have “a cultural symbol generally recognized by all.”[6]



Seven years ago, I gave the speech “In Search of a Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics” at Fudan University in 4705XY (2008).[9] I advised that we have to treasure our greatest intellectual treasure ever discovered in China, The Yellow Emperor’s Four Canons that was believed lost by the Grand Historian Sima Qian. The silk manuscript was buried about 2183 years ago in Mawangdui.[10] From this manuscript, I discovered the original root of Chinese culture and civilization and found my mission in life. My mission is to achieve Xuan Yuan’s Dream in my lifetime. I want to rejuvenate Chinese culture and civilization founded by our Remarkable Xuan Yuan. I want to establish the Chinese and mankind by building the everlasting Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0 powered by KQID engine. I want to realize Xuan Yuan-Xi’s Da Tong, in which each shall enjoy free education, free healthcare and free material wealth for all for life, so that each can find, pursue and realize their dreams and aspirations. One for all and all for one. Why am I evil for trying to help all? Why are you against me? Why don’t you help me to improve the state of mankind rather than kicking me around for sport? Let’s work together hand in hand to fight for a better world for all. Humbly, I beg you to take my hand to partake in this noble cause.


众所周知,一个理论并不能因为理解它的人非常少而被断定是错误的。如果一个理论的预测和数字能够被证伪,那么这个理论便被证伪了。例如,爱因斯坦的广义相对论GR场方程Rμν - ½Rgμν=Tμν’

As you know, a theory is not false simply because so few understand it. A theory is falsified if its predictions and numbers are falsified. For example, Einstein field equation of General Relativity (GR): Rμν - ½Rgμν=Tμν’.


据报道,当时只有三位物理学家能够理解广义相对论。卢迪威格·席柏斯坦向阿瑟·爱丁顿提问,后者证实了爱因斯坦对于光在太阳附近会产生弯曲的预测。席柏斯坦问:“爱丁顿教授,您一定是世界上能够理解广义相对论的三个人中的一位吧。”爱丁顿回答说他只知道有两个人,爱因斯坦和他自己:“……我在试图想起第三位是谁。” [11]

It was reported that only 3 physicists could understand this GR. Ludwik Silberstein asked Sir Eddington who confirmed Einstein’s prediction that light is bending around our Sun: Professor Eddington, you must be one of three persons in the world who understands general relativity. Eddington replied that he knew only two, Einstein and him:...I’m trying to think who the third person is.”[12]


任何人都可以在不了解广义相对论的前提下证伪广义相对论的预测和数字。类似地,我运用 KQID引擎,以精确的数字计算并预测出我们宇宙的创造和分配,这也同美国威尔金森各向异性探测器(WMAP)和欧洲普朗克卫星观测数据相符,这在人类历史上尚属首次[13]。我的批评者并不需要理解KQID引擎(道),但是他们必须证伪我的数字,而不是没有证据地重复他们对KQID的偏见。他们的主要论点是廖教授根本不可能做到这些。他仅仅是个商人。这是一个稻草人论点,而非科学的论断。爱因斯坦在成为“真正”的科学家之前只是个“无名无姓的民科”,一个瑞士的专利局技术员。实际上,他就是一位终身的民科,他不断的推进着物理的边界,例如“可变光速”,“新的以太”,“量子纠缠”以及 “物理大一统”理论。是的,爱因斯坦是真正的民科,也是我心中的民科典范。顺便说一下,我早就不做生意了,我已全身心地投入到由KQID引擎提供动力的轩辕2.0的这项研究中。

Everyone can falsify this GR’s predictions and numbers without knowing GR. Similarly, using KQID engine, for the first time[14] in the history of mankind, I precisely calculated and predicted with numbers on the creation and distribution of our universe that are consistent with our most advanced observational data of American WMAP and European Planck Satellite. My critics don’t need to understand KQID engine (Dao), but they must falsify my numbers, not repeating their biased opinions against KQID without evidence. Their main argument was that Prof. Leo could not possibly have done it. He is merely a businessman. This is a straw man argument, not a scientific one. Einstein was a “nameless and faceless Min Ke, a Swiss patent clerk before he became a “true” scientist. Actually, he was a life long “Min Ke, and he kept on pushing the boundary of physics, such as varying light speed, “new ether,” “quantum entanglement” and the grand unified of physics theories. Yes, Einstein was a true Min Ke and my model Min Ke. By the way, I have given up doing business a long time ago, and I have devoted my life to Xuan Yuan 2.0 powered by KQID engine.



So far, my critics have not even tried to falsify my numbers, perhaps because they are not able or not willing to do so. To be fair to me, they must falsify my numbers to falsify KQID. I am confident that they can’t falsify my numbers, because these numbers are correct.  KQID is the true TOE.



Truly yours,



Prof. Leo KoGuan





Do you hear Xuan Yuan sing?

He sings your heart’s passionate song!

Ask not on whom Xuan Yuan is calling,

He is calling on you!

[1] QS世界大学排名》。于09/18/15访问 <//www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2015#sorting=rank+region=+country=+faculty=+stars=false+search=>

[2] “QS World University Rankings.” Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <//www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2015#sorting=rank+region=+country=+faculty=+stars=false+search=>.

[3]新华网:《习近平:解决中国的问题只能在中国大地上探寻适合自己的道路和办法》。 09/18/15访问<//news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2014/10/13/c_1112807354.htm>

[4] Xinhua. “Xi Jinping: the answers to China’s issues must be found in our own land.” Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <//news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2014/10/13/c_1112807354.htm>.

[5]许嘉璐:《把拜祭黄帝上升为国家级拜祭》。于 09/18/15访问<//epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2015-09/07/nw.D110000gmrb_20150907_1-16.htm?div=-1>

[6] Xu, Jialu.“To update the Offering to Huangdi to the National Level.” Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <//epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2015-09/07/nw.D110000gmrb_20150907_1-16.htm?div=-1>.

[7]廖凯原:《探寻中式法治之道》 09/18/15访问<//www.leokoguanfoundation.org/?p=117>


[9] Leo, KoGuan. “In Search of a Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics.Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <//www.leokoguanfoundation.org/?p=117>.

[10] Lu, Sherwin. trans. (2008). TheYellow Emperor’s Four Canons. Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <//www.xinfajia.cn/4166.html>.

[11] 维基百科:《广义相对论的历史》。于 09/18/15访问<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_general_relativity>

[12] Wikipedia. “History of General Relativity.” Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_general_relativity>.

[13] “这个奇点标志着广义相对论的崩溃,因而也意味着物理学所有定律的崩溃。”参见维基百科:《宇宙大爆炸》。于 09/18/15访问<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang>

[14] “This singularity signals the breakdown of general relativity and thus, all the laws of physics.” See Wikipedia. “Big Bang.” Retrieved on 09/18/15 from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang>.

2016-2-27 01:22
2015-9-21 23:35
