如何理解 Google 的 Material Design 设计语言?

此问题的等同描述还可能是:如何评价 Google 的 Material Design We challenged ourselves to creat…

大家都在回答『What do you think of Material Design』

我来回答 『How to fully understand and apply Material Design to your product』

正好自己最近工作交接,把我收藏夹里关于 MD 的资料都梳理了一遍,分享给大家。

Google 官方文档

我知道大家都『访问』过 Material Design 的文档,但是有没有一个页面不拉的通读一遍?有没有达到闭着眼睛丢链接的熟悉程度?如果你的产品要做 MD redesign,不要以二手信息作为起点,官方文档才能真正展示精髓。

1. 安卓开发者手册

2. Google Material Design Guideline

3. Expressing brand in MD

4. Redesign chrome android

5. Say hello to redesigned youtube mobile app

6. Google I/O 2014 youtube video

7. Android pay

8. Android Experiments

MD 素材

  1. Material Design for Dummies
  2. Material Design Lite
  3. Material Design Color Palette Generator
  4. Angular Material vs. Material Design Lite
  5. Google Official Sticker Sheets Google 官方模板
  6. Dribbble - Material Design [Free .Sketch Template & Icons] by Kyle Ledbetter 这是我个人用的最多的一套 MD 素材,不过调色板里有些颜色 Google 后来更新过,需要对照一下 Guideline。

使用 MD 的产品/设计概念

首先你当然要下载所有 Google 原厂针对 MD 重设计过的 app,还有那些 Google Play 上编辑精选的 app,反复把玩,看完产品,再读读创作团队写的 case study,每个设计决策背后都会有一系列的逻辑作为支撑,学习他们思考的过程和决策的原因。

  1. Daily Material Design Inspiration
  2. Google news MD redesign concept
  3. Google MD exploration
  4. 26 best MD apps for android
  5. 10 Material Design Android apps you should be using right now
  6. Starbucks Android Material Design
  7. 有哪些 Material Design Apps 的设计适合借鉴? - 知乎

对 MD 有意思的探讨


  1. How google fails at implementing its own Material design
  2. Material Design: Why the Floating Action Button is bad UX design
  3. Material Design is Different, Not Better

没错,Material Design 绝对是一套 World Class 级别的 Guideline, 你可以主观的评价它『好看』或者『丑』,但你不能否认 Google 从拉里佩奇开始由上至下的执行力,渗透到 Google 甚至之后 Alphabet 的每个产品里。就像 Spotify 的前 Design Lead Tobias van Schneider 说的:

Dear Google Designers

NO ONE has ever designed a digital identity at such a big scale. No one knows better than you. Keep on rocking!

No one even remotely knows the implications and challenges of implementing a digital identity, not only across an internal team of ~60.000 employees but also across so many public touch points worldwide.


Happy Designing~