D'ELE 艺术家作品圣诞特辑

2014年12月24日 19:14 阅读 311

Christmas is approaching! We would like to use this opportunity to share with you some amazing Christmas campaigns created by our dear artists.

Who is the hero of Christmas? Right, Santa Claus is the hero!谁是圣诞节的英雄?对了,圣诞老人啊!

(Illustration by Catzwolf)

And the Christmas Tree of course, in all its splendour and ornaments, standing tall over the presents, with loved ones gathering up around it, the center of the festivities (Illustration by Catzwolf):


For those who are familiar with our top creative team at Carioca Studio, you must have seen this famous Sky TV project, with Santa Claus in slightly different circumstances than we are used to seeing him in. It is not just a kid's fantasy anymore, movie fans like ourselves also find it quite thrilling seeing Santa Claus in the following roles (Print ads created by Carioca Studio, production in association with 1806):

那些熟悉我们作品的朋友们一定已经看过我们的顶尖CGI工作室Carioca为 Sky TV 创作的电影迷圣诞老人系列:

...as a member of a Swat team crashing his sled into a helicopter in mid-air, or...

...as a secret agent, much like 007...

...or as a knight in shining Christmas armor, and as a wizard, candy cane in hand...

...or as a captain of a pirate ship, with cannons launching Christmas presents...

...and finally Santa Claus clad in the cape of a superhero, watching over us all from above, keeping us safe.


Christmas is definitely a day longed for by kids, likely 364 long days of the year, eagerly awaiting. How many of your kids still believe in Santa? We believe the small ones still do. All kids, whatever their age, we are sure to be expecting this moment below (Print ads created by Ars Thanea):


..and this...(CGI works created by Thomas Bernos)

Or even this, Christmas presents piling up on eachother, creating a virtual mountain of excitement and suspense, in anticipation of opening them all up (Print ads created by Catzwolf)!


And while it is long time to wait, until it is time to open all the Christmas presents, there are cakes and games to make the time go faster (CGI works created by Thomas Bernos) !


For those who mostly care about having fun and playing outside, wish the snow would come early, so they can finally build a snowman and fight a snow ball battle:


(CGI works by Catzwolf)

Photography by Ele Jin

The more daring ones, with a lust for adventure, might engage in various sports and activities (Illustration by Catzwolf):


For many, the weeks leading up to Christmas is a time of crazy shopping, and this is what can happen!  对我们很多人来说,其实圣诞就是个打折季,所以任性的这一幕就发生了:

(Print ads by Serial Cut)

(Illustration and animation by Catzwolf)

And possibly this too, during the sale that usually follows the holidays (Character and Print ads created by Zombie Studio):

甚至这一幕(要不要这么拼啊?“Of Course!”):

For others, who does not care much for shopping, but more for a good party, counting down the days till the New Years celebrations, we say Cheers and bottoms up (photography by Carioca Studio)!


Singing is also a big part of the Christmas traditions and some do it louder than the others (Character and images by Zombie Studio)!


Finally, in the Christmas spirit, let's listen to this beautiful song from George Michael - December Song (MV created by MIE):

最后,让我们一起来听一首 George Michael 的 “December Song”:(动画版的音乐录影由我们的伦敦动画工作室MIE创意制作)


Thank you for viewing!

D'ELE 是一家致力于艺术家管理和提供全方位影像制作的创意机构。我们的总部设在中国上海,并在米兰和伦敦拥有合作伙伴。近十年来,我们广泛地服务于国内外品牌客户及广告代理公司, 为客户提供完美而多元化的视觉解决方案。

D’ELE is a creative agency dedicated to artist management and full service production. We are based in Shanghai with partners in Milan and London. For over 10 years we have provided seamless and dynamic visual solutions to a wide range of international clients and advertising agencies.