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Explainer: Clive Palmer and his dispute with Citic

Clive Palmer in Canberra on December 4, 2013. (AAP)

The acrimonious and escalating war between Clive Palmer and Citic centres around massive cost blow-outs and disputed royalty payments at the Sino Iron project in Western Australia.

Find out about each player, what interests they have, and what questions remain to be answered.

The bank account

The dispute centres on a Mineralogy-controlled bank account known as Port Palmer Operations to which Mr Palmer was the only signatory at the time.

Citic claims this was an administration fund and under its agreement with Mineralogy money was only to be spent on the operation of Port Preston.

Two cheques, one for $10 million that went to Mr Palmer's Cosmo Developments, and another for $2.17 million that went to Media Circus, were spent from this bank account.

Court documents state Mr Palmer's company Queensland Nickel put $12.7 million back into the account after the issue was first raised in the media.

Mr Palmer told the National Press Club the money was in Mineralogy's bank accounts and he was free to spend it as he pleased.

He said he could not recall signing the two cheques. Documents have emerged showing he personally signed the original agreement with Citic over the use of the bank account.

Disputes at hand

Citic and Mineralogy have been involved in a number of Federal and Supreme Court cases arising from the Sino deal.

The main cases are:

Supreme Court of Western Australia: Dispute between Mineralogy and Sino Iron over royalty payments following the removal of the benchmarked iron price. Mr Palmer says he is owed money and the decision will affect how much future royalties flow to him. The two companies cannot agree on a new way to calculate the iron ore price.

Supreme Court of Queensland: In a closed-door arbitration, Citic accuses Mr Palmer of using $12 million from an account that was meant to be spent on operating Port Preston for funding his election campaign, business interests, and funding the Western Australian case against Citic (Judge: Retired Supreme Court judge Richard Chesterman).

Who's who

Clive Palmer: Queensland resources tycoon, House of Representatives MP and founder of the Palmer United Party which now holds the balance of power in the Senate.

Mineralogy: Mining company owned by Clive Palmer.

Queensland Nickel: Clive Palmer-owned company which operates the Palmer Nickel and Cobalt Refinery near Townsville. Mr Palmer warned Citic in March last year in a letter that the fate of more than 1,000 workers at Queensland Nickel and related entities depended on receiving a lucrative royalties payment. The company has been affected by sliding commodity prices. Court documents said the refinery lost $58 million in 2012 but Mr Palmer has also said it made a modest profit.

Media Circus Network: Ran Palmer United Party's 2013 advertising campaign. Their business helps create and book advertisements for clients across print, radio, TV and social media. Mr Palmer's Palmer United Party ran a highly visible media campaign in the lead up to the 2013 election.

Citic Group: Chinese government-owned investment company with interests in banks, resources and infrastructure companies.

Citic Pacific: Hong Kong stock exchange listed company majority owned by Citic Group. Has interests in steel production, iron ore and property.

Citic Pacific Mining: Subsidiary of Citic Pacific and established to manage the Sino Iron Project.

Sino Iron Project: Multi-billion-dollar project in Western Australia's Pilbara region to mine magnetite ore for export to China.

What's what

Port Preston: Port operation at Cape Preston in the Pilbara south west of Karratha to export magnetite iron ore mined by Citic. Citic built the port and the Western Australian government owns it. Mineraology operates it and does security for it. Citic gave Mineralogy money for operating, maintaining and repairing the port. Exports cannot go ahead without a security controller for the port. There have been moves to have Mineralogy removed as operator of the port. Port started work late last year when exports began.

Iron ore: Raw material used to make steel.

Magnetite: A type of iron ore. It must be heavily processed into concentrate and pellets to be exported. As opposed to hematite iron.

Hematite: Hematite iron ore can be mined and exported directly and is therefore less costly to mine and export.


The 2013 election campaign: Clive Palmer's Palmer United Party ran a highly visible and costly media campaign in the lead up to the 2013 election.

Long-running dispute with Citic: Mr Palmer's Mineralogy and Citic have been involved in a number of court cases arising out of a dispute over royalties to the Sino Iron Project.

Iron ore prices: Iron ore prices have halved in the past five years since the market moved from a benchmark pricing system to daily market prices.

Palmer's critics: Queensland politicians such as Premier Campbell Newman and Jeff Seeney have been very vocal in response to media reports on the bank account. Mr Newman expressed "surprise" police had not yet investigated. WA Premier Colin Barnett said "the Chinese hate Clive Palmer". Queensland Deputy Premier Mr Seeney described Mr Palmer as a "crook" in state parliament.

Citic Pacific's history: Citic Pacific lost $HK15 billion in 2008 because of unauthorised trades known as hedges against the Australian dollar. Two company officers resigned in disgrace and the chairman's daughter was demoted.

Sino Iron over budget and over schedule: The Sino Iron project is one of the biggest mining projects in the world. What was supposed to be a $3 billion project has ballooned out to $10 billion. It is also estimated to be about four years over schedule. The deal was signed in 2006 and the first magnetite shipped in late 2013.

Mr Palmer's financial situation: Queensland Nickel was losing money at least up until 2012. Mr Palmer has suggested it made a modest profit since then. His dinosaur park on the Sunshine Coast also is not a money spinner. In September last year his company received more than $40 million in a settlement deal with the Australian Tax Office over a capital gains tax dispute.

Royalties dispute: Citic originally paid $415 million for the right to mine Mineralogy's mining tenements in the Pilbara. This was considered an unusual deal in lieu of buying the land outright. As part of the deal Mineralogy negotiated to receive royalties based on the iron ore price for each shipment of magnetite. However between signing the deal and exporting the magnetite the way iron ore pricing changed. This lead to lower iron ore prices and the case ended up before the court. The company is paying royalties to the Western Australian Government.

Resignations: Mr Palmer has resigned as director of Mineralogy and Cosmo Developments since media reports emerged and he entered parliament.

Questions to be answered

  • Was Mineralogy legally allowed to spend the money out of an administration fund on what it saw fit?
  • Would it be a breach of Mineralogy's agreement with Citic if it spent the money on operations outside the port?
  • If the port only started exporting magnetite in recent months, what has it been spending some of $23 million in Chinese money deposited into the account on?
  • If funds were siphoned from the account, would it constitute a criminal fraud on behalf of Mineralogy?
  • Do the Chinese owe Mineralogy money for royalties?
  • Why is Citic taking legal action over $12 million worth of port operation funds in the context of a $200+ million royalties dispute within a $10 billion mining deal?