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I've played the superstar games for a while now, all of them are good games. I've stopped playing games like superstar sm and jyp because everytime I try playing a song in hard mode the game claims I've missed notes that I haven't. I've recently sent something to customer support about this issue, but even after being away from the game for a year and just now coming back, it seems like this issue hasn't been fixed or looked into at all despite how many times they fix bugs or update the games.
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Flaming Fox (Noelle)
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I've been playing this game on and off since 2021 and I can say that it's only getting worse. My main issue is the lag. You will randomly get these lag spikes while playing that will make you lose notes and thus points. This is fine for the normal mode, but when it comes to the arena and how it needs 3 RP to be played, doing all three attempts and quickly drain your resources (because yes I've had lag spikes on multiple attempts) there really needs to be optimisation.
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NighTcore Ceshire Cat
It's a really fun game. However I was playing it and everytime I finish a song to collect my reward, it tells me to relaunch the game again. And I relaunch the game multiple times it still says the same thing, and I don't get my rewards. I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it but it still doesn't work. I don't know if it lags or something. But it's kinda getting annoying.
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