Exam boost for blood donors’ children in E. China county

By Cao Siqi Source:Global Times Published: 2014-9-25 0:38:02

Authorities in Zhejiang Province's Pujiang county recently enacted a new policy stipulating that the children of those with a local household registration who donate more than 4,000 millimeters of blood will receive bonus points when they sit their high school entrance examinations.

Students whose parents donate 4,000 millimeters will receive one extra point on the exam, while parents donating 6,000 and 8,000 millimeters will earn two and three points for their children, respectively, according to the policy.

Donors will also be given free tickets to scenic spots and museums in Zhejiang Province, and will be eligible for free health examinations.

An ordinary adult weighing 50 kilograms has nearly 4,000 millimeters of blood.

"The policy aims to encourage more people to voluntarily donate blood," the local Qianjiang Evening News quoted a local health official as saying.

While some people support the policy, many questioned its intention. "Connecting blood donation with [high school entrance exams] is unfair to those parents who are not qualified to donate," a local resident surnamed Zhang told the Global Times.

He said that many parents will make sacrifice for their children and donate blood blindly.

Posted in: Society

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