Lots of Twitter love coming through for retiring MP Tony Windsorduring the screening of tonight's Australian Story on ABC 1.
By Daniel Franklin
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Imagine a multinational company in Australia hiring private detectives to dig up dirt on MPs on a committee that was investigating that company.<br><br>That's exactly what happened to British MP <strong>Tom Watson</strong> and his colleagues on Britain's culture select committee when they investigated Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.<br><br>Mr Watson was one of the most active members of that committee and later wrote a book about the phone hacking affair, Dial M For Murdoch.<br><br>Now alarmed by things he's read about the Murdoch papers' conduct in Australia's election campaign, he's flown here to join the debate.<br><br>In an interview with PM host Mark Colvin, he likened the newspapers to "propaganda sheets".
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By Daniel Franklin
Tony Abbott promise met with applause at the fishing convention:
"If there is a change of government in Canberra, we will maintain the highest possible environmental standards but that is absolutely consistent with a dynamic commercial fishing sector and a vibrant and growing recreational fishing sector too.
"One specific commitment I want to give to you is we will suspend the marine protected areas that this Government has recently declared."
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By Daniel Franklin
Bad pun warning: Tony Abbott fishing for votes? Working an angler?
"Fishing is part of the Australian way of life. There is almost none of us... who hasn't dangled a line off a wharf, dangled a line off a tinnie, got an old rod out of the shed and cast out on a beach.
"I don't see people who are in the fishing sector, whether it's recreational fishermen or commercial fishermen, I don't see any of them, any of you, as people who want to spoil our environment."
By Daniel Franklin
Tony Abbott now speaking a fishing convention on Queensland's Gold Coast. Watch here
By Daniel Franklin
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Safety first: the mantra for the modern campaigner | Mungo MacCallum t.co#ausvotes
Mungo MacCallum writes there was little of substance to be found in Tony Abbott feel-good election campaign launch, but in this era of risk aversion, that was rather the point.
By Daniel Franklin
More from Penny Wong:
Curtis: It is the case, isn't it, if revenue is written down, as it has been a couple of times already this year, you might have to find more savings to fill that hole?
Wong: Well look, I deal with facts and the facts that I'm presented with are the facts that Treasury and finance have confirmed in the pre-election economic and outlook statement. They confirm the Government's economic statements, a slightly larger surplus in the out year, but those are the facts we deal with and they're the facts that Tony Abbott should be judged against...
Curtis: But I'm looking at the experience of this Government so far and your two economic statements this year revenue has been written down from one to the next and you cannot say, can you, based on that experience that it won't be written down again?
Wong: What I can say is I have dealt as the Finance Minister, as has the Treasurer, with the economic facts as confirmed by Treasury and Finance and you have our figures. What you don't have is the figures from Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb. Andrew Robb has said he's sitting on a bunch of policies but they won't release it to the Australian people.
By Daniel Franklin
Finance Minister Penny Wong discussing paid parental leave schemes with ABC News 24 editor Lyndal Curtis:
Curtis: You say the Opposition's paid parental leave is a $22 billion scheme. But if the Coalition wins, over the next term of government it wouldn't be that much, is it, because they're not going to start it until the last two years of the forward estimates period?
Wong: Come on. Lyndal, we're using their numbers and what we're saying is that's what four years of a policy that you want to introduce would cost you. In fact, it would be more than that over time because the costs would rise as wages increased...
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By Daniel Franklin
Tony Abbott speaks to the media after touring the Clem Jones Centre for Dementia Research at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.
Repeats his commitment from yesterday's campaign launch that the Coalition would put $200 million over five years towards added research in dementia and $9 million of that to the Clem Jones centre.
"As our population ages, obviously we are going to have an ever greater burden of the diseases of old age, of which the most insidious is dementia.
"This is an important investment in tackling a disease which has the potential to wreak havoc in the lives of so many people."
Palmer's recipe for success as a Labor politician? "Do nothing ... if you're absolutely hopeless you become the leader".
By Ben Atherton
Bob Katter on costings: We will be submitting them and they will be very very detailed.Clive Palmer says he has teams of economists in London, Paris and New York helping him with his economic policy.