“V&A在深圳: 快速反应收藏”特展——展品征集提案
英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A)参加2013深港城市\建筑双城双年展
英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A)在2013深港城市\建筑双城双年展的特展需要您的参与。
V&A新建立的现当代部策展团队正在使用一种新方式收藏建筑和设计作品。 名为“快速反应收藏”,我们关注全球大事,及时收藏反映或见证社会、经济及政治变化的设计、数字设计和建筑。
同时,本展览亦回应双年展策展人奥雷•伯曼的“价值工厂”展区主题——通过汇聚国际多家文化机构,将一家玻璃工厂临时转化为文化活动场所。 为双城双年展策划的特展将成为V&A试验当代设计收藏新方式的实验室,而V&A的特展将集合一系列能反映深圳城市现状的物件。
• 展品征集范围限于深圳:我们想知道如何让一组物件讲述深圳的故事,同时反映塑造今时今日深圳的力量。
• 建议参展的物件需能表达城市变化的现实,反映经济、工业、商业或社会上的巨变。展品类型不受限制,任何大小、价值、种类——从廉价批量生产的商品到建筑物的细部均可接受。
• 提议需附上150字内的简单描述,说明这件事物对你个人和对深圳的意义。
如有展品建议,请于2013年11月20日(星期三)前发豆邮至本账号或电邮 vam.socialmedia@gmail.com。请附上建议展品的图片及150字简述,介绍物件的来源及其对深圳的意义,中英均可。
V&A in Shenzhen: Rapid Response Collecting
Victoria and Albert Museum
at the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of
Urbanism / Architecture in Shenzhen
The Victoria & Albert Museum, London is part of the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture in Shenzhen (6 December 2013—28 February 2014) and we want you to help us.
The V&A’s new contemporary curatorial team has started collecting architecture and design in a new way. Called Rapid Response Collecting, we collect objects in response to global events, using design, digital design and architecture as material evidence of social, economic and political change in the world.
The exhibition is in response to biennale director Ole Bouman’s Value Factory exhibit, which brings together cultural institutions from across the world to temporarily transform the glass factory in Shenzhen into a place of cultural activity. The V&A will use the Bi-City Biennale as a laboratory for a new approach to contemporary collecting, and make the V&A’s contribution an exhibition of objects that capture the city of Shenzhen today.
We would like you to suggest an object to include in our exhibition, and to tell us why. Are you a designer, architect, curator, teacher or other individual living or working in Shenzhen who has an opinion about the city of Shenzhen? Can you suggest an object that tells this story?
• The task is limited to Shenzhen. We want to see how a group of objects from today can tell a thrilling story about the city that points towards the forces shaping Shenzhen today.
• The suggested objects need to articulate the reality of urban change, of industry and/or of commercial and social upheaval. The type of objects might range from a cheaply-made, mass-manufactured item to a larger object or architectural detail.
• Object suggestions should be accompanied by a short text (150 words) outlining why the object is important to you and to Shenzhen.
Suggested ideas for possible inclusion in the V&A exhibition should be sent to this Douban account or to vam.socialmedia@gmail.com by Wednesday 20 November 2013. Please include an image of the object, an explanation of where it would come from and the short text (150 words) describing why the object was chosen.
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