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(2013-05-14 13:04:12)


分类: 社会与生活

在2007年马萨诸塞州韦兰市(Wayland, Massachusetts)举行的亚洲文化节上,年轻的美国华裔姑娘准备表演传统中国舞。



华盛顿——美国国内资源部部长萨莉•朱厄尔(Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell)5月9日强调,纪念美国亚裔和太平洋诸岛族裔(Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders)对美国丰富的历史作出的贡献具有重要意义。

她赞扬人们通过种种努力纪念并诠释美国亚太裔的文化和历史,特别是通过国家公园管理局(National Park Service)的努力更完整地讲述美国走过的历程。


“从经过天使岛(Angel Island)踏上我国海岸的100多万亚洲移民、参加建造横贯美国大陆的铁路的中国移民,到二战期间美国日本裔的拘留营,这种种经历都是编织美国锦绣画卷的针针线线。”

朱厄尔是在国内资源部主办的一次白宫论坛(White House forum)上讲这番话的。共同主办这次论坛的还有白宫公众参与办公室(White House Office of Public Engagement)和白宫美国亚太裔计划(White House AAPI Initiative)。为纪念5月份的美国亚太裔传统月(Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month),美国亚太裔社区的学者和领袖纷纷出席这次论坛活动,并商讨国家公园管理局新提出的美国亚太裔主题研究计划(Asian American Pacific Islander Theme Study)。

在史密森尼博物馆美国亚太裔中心(Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center)前主任富兰克林•奥多(Franklin Odo)的主持下,学者们将在未来18个月确定主题研究的内容和其他材料,进一步了解国家公园管理局如何能够恰当地认识和理解美国亚太裔的传统和文化。

国家公园管理局局长乔纳森•贾维斯(Jonathan B. Jarvis)说:“更完整地记录和保护全国各地的美国亚太裔传统园区需要进行更 长期的工作,这项主题研究只是重要的第一步。”



国内资源部负责政策、管理和预算的助理部长雷亚•舒赫(Rhea Suh)说:“这是我们社区面临的关键时刻——国家公园管理局亚太裔主题研究计划邀请我们所有的人分享我们对自己国家丰富的文化和自然遗产所作的杰出贡献。国内资源部致力于成为反映美国的需求和多样性的部门,我能为这项努力助一臂之力,感到很自豪,很荣幸。我期待继续进行这方面的对话。”

朱厄尔重点介绍了为更广泛地反映亚太裔对美国历史作出的贡献已经采取了一些步骤,包括在2013年初将西雅图(Seattle)的“陈荣昌亚太裔博物馆”(Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience)列为国家公园管理局的附属园区。国家公园管理局对该博物馆的全国性意义及其使命表示赞赏。

朱厄尔也指出国内资源部明确承担的责任,即通过岛屿事务办公室(Office of Insular Affairs)与美国所属诸岛携手努力,增强各岛屿地区的能动性并帮助它们为应对最紧迫的挑战找到解决方案。

负责岛屿事务的代理副助理部长艾林•索贝克(Eileen Sobeck)说:“在本届政府领导下,联邦政府通过各项计划,每天都在努力寻找具有创意的方法突出并展示我国独特的文化遗址和历史实物,向亚太地区和来自亚太地区的美国人表示敬意。”


Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2013/05/20130510147222.html#ixzz2TEyB6MoV

Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders Important to U.S. History

09 May 2013

Young Chinese-American girls wait to perform a traditional Chinese dance at an Asian cultural festival in Wayland, Massachusetts, in 2007.


Washington — U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell May 9 underscored the importance of recognizing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders’ contributions to the United States’ rich heritage.

She lauded efforts to commemorate and interpret Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) culture and history, particularly through the National Park Service, in order to tell a more complete story of the United States.

“Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have long been leaders in every aspect of our social fabric — in government, business, science, medicine, the arts, education and our armed forces,” Jewell said, according to a Department of the Interior press release of the same date.

“From Angel Island, where more than 1 million Asian immigrants arrived on these shores, to the Chinese immigrants who helped build the railroads across the country, to the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, these stories are all important threads in the great American tapestry.”

Jewell spoke at a White House forum that was hosted by the Interior Department, along with the White House Office of Public Engagement and the White House AAPI Initiative. The forum attracted scholars and other leaders from the AAPI community to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, observed in May, and discuss the National Park Service’s new Asian American Pacific Islander Theme Study.

Under the leadership of Franklin Odo, former head of the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, scholars are developing a theme study and other materials over the next 18 months to further the understanding of how the National Park Service might appropriately identify and understand AAPI heritage and culture.

“The Asian American Pacific Islander Theme Study is an important first step in what must be a longer journey to more completely document and preserve Asian American Pacific Islander heritage sites across our country,” said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis.

“The National Park Service remains committed that our parks and historic preservation programs reflect the diversity of the American experience, and this study will allow us to add to the growing body of resources that tell the AAPI story,” Jarvis said.

Jewell said the theme study is part of an overall effort by the Obama administration to commemorate the contributions of women and minorities that have been not been fully recognized in the past.

“This is a pivotal moment for our community — the National Park Service AAPI Theme Study is an invitation for all of us to share the incredible contributions we have made to our country's rich cultural and natural heritage,” said Rhea Suh, Interior Department assistant secretary for policy, management and budget. “I am proud and honored to be part of Interior's efforts to build a department that reflects the needs and diversity of America and look forward to continuing this conversation.”

Jewell highlighted steps that have already been taken to represent a more inclusive story of the AAPI contributions to U.S. history. These include the designation earlier in 2013 of the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle as an affiliated area of the National Park System, which recognizes the national significance and mission of the museum.

Jewell also recognized the Interior Department’s distinct responsibility, through the Office of Insular Affairs, to work with the United States’ island areas to empower them and to help find solutions to their most pressing challenges.

“The federal government, under this administration, through its various initiatives, is working daily to find innovative approaches to highlight and showcase some of our unique cultural sites and historic artifacts that celebrate Americans in and from the Asia-Pacific region,” said Eileen Sobeck, acting deputy assistant secretary for insular affairs.

“In many ways our gathering is a reflection of our commitment to this initiative,” Sobeck said, “but also a demonstration of our collective duty to holistically represent and celebrate peoples from Asian-American Pacific Islander identities.”

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2013/05/20130509147177.html#ixzz2TEyCMRWd


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