Elif Bicer, Marco Freivogel, The Mole, Hreno - 11 am (feat. Elif Bicer)

Elif Bicer, Marco Freivogel, The Mole, Hreno - 11 am (feat. Elif Bicer)

Elif Bicer, Marco Freivogel, The Mole, Hreno - 11 am (feat. Elif Bicer)
March 2013
26采集 · 5关注
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Elif Bicer, Marco Freivogel, The Mole, Hreno - 11 am (feat. Elif Bicer)
LENO-Z’s avatar
He had an early nickname of "Deep House" because of his baggy pants and backpacks.
He sold his first beat to local Chicago rapper Gravity for $8,800.
He mixed "Diamonds From Sierra Leone" 14 times.
"Stronger" took 50 mixes and eight engineers to complete.
Michael Jackson called him to ask about the jacket he wore in the "Stronger" video.
While recording <em>808s & Heartbreak</em>, he saw Hawaii's 808 area code as a sign that the album was meant to be.
He says that Drake was the first artist who actually scared and put pressure on him.
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